But at a high level, come April 11, 2025 you will need to break up all messaging and voice calling across your enterprise into three tiers: i) marketing; ii) informational; iii) exempted.
Come April 11, 2025 a stop response will require ALL communications requiring the same or greater level of consent to cease based on these tiers.
So a “stop” to a marketing message will require all calls and texts requiring PEWC or PIEP to cease;
A “stop” to an informational/transaction call will require all calls and texts requiring any level of express consent to cease;
A “stop” to an exempt message—such as a fraud alert—will require all messages of any kind using regulated technology to cease.
This is a very large change from the current rules.
There is a small opportunity to “clarify” with the consumer what they intended with their opt out request, but it cannot be used as a rebuttal and if the consumer does not respond you have to apply the rubric above.
Not good.
Also unlike the FCC’s one-to-one rule THERE IS NO LEGAL CHALLENGE to this rule and there has been no effort by anybody to stay it (although R.E.A.C.H. is considering such an effort.)
Biggest change in telecom this year folks. Hope you’re all ready.