There are lots of legal blogs out there. Many of them may be by your competitors. So how do you ensure that your law firm blog will find a good following when there are so many choices? Here are 7 ways to gain readers for your law firm blog:
Take a stand. It’s human nature to follow the leader, and a leader always has a strong opinion on the things that matter. Don’t be afraid to let your readers know what you stand for — it will give your law firm blog a refreshing voice and will attract the people you want to do business with in the first place.
Add value. It’s always tempting to do a “me too” post, especially when you’re in a time crunch. However, if you’re not adding something of value to someone’s knowledge base with every post, you are wasting your time and theirs.
Give it away. Many attorneys are concerned about revealing too much about their area of practice, thinking that if they “give it away” they won’t be hired. But you don’t want any do-it-yourselfers anyway — they make horrible clients. And most people will be pulled in and impressed by the depth of your knowledge. Plus, giving a free report in exchange for an email address is a superb way to get leads.
Leverage experts you know. Including quotes and even allowing expert guest bloggers to add to your content will transfer their expertise to you in the minds of your readers.
Keep it simple. Unless you’re writing specifically for other lawyers, legal jargon is a big turnoff for most readers. You want to make your reader feel comfortable with you, not like you are always talking about their heads. Remember, your prospects are coming to you for insights on problems they have that they don’t really understand — make it clear that you do understand their pain.
Use case studies. Everyone likes to read a story with a hero, a villain and a good ending. Use case studies (with the real names omitted) to illustrate your points and demonstrate that you have an in-depth knowledge of and experience with your topic.
Keep up the good work. The most-followed blogs are those that post regularly. You should be adding new content to your blog several times a week to satisfy your readers as well as Google, since search engines rely on fresh content to rank the relevance of websites.