There are many features you can add to your website to make it perform better for you. Some features make more sense for certain kinds of practices. As you might imagine, some of the things you would expect to find on a personal injury firm’s website may not work on a business litigation website.
Here is a list of features you should consider adding to your website:
Video: This is a proven conversion tool! Law firms that use video on their website convert more traffic into leads and visitors stay longer with video.
Instant chat: Law firms who use live, monitored chat on their website typically receive 10-30 more leads per month.
Social media feed: If you are active on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter), you can connect your website to your social media account and have it live stream your updates.
Free resources: This can be a free e-book, PDF or even a printed, self-published booklet. The topic must be something of perceived value to your prospects.
Blog: If you want to drive more traffic to your website, then start updating your blog at least three to five times per week with unique articles.
Newsletter signup: Every law firm should send out a monthly electronic newsletter to keep in touch with potential clients, former clients and referral sources.
If one of your goals is to build a big list of possible clients, free resources and a monthly newsletter work better than anything. Offer a free report in exchange for the prospect’s name and email address and you can quickly build a list of people who have “raised their hand” as someone who is potentially interested in your services.
Our clients have found live chat on their website to be the absolute best conversion tool. One of our family law clients was getting three to five good leads per month off their website … until they started using live chat. In the first month of use, this firm had over 20 qualified leads – just off live chat. The next month, he received 35 leads from chat and it’s been steadily increasing since then!
We are a firm believer in live chat as one of the most cost-effective tools to generate more leads from your website. However, be aware that with live chat, you must have someone who is watching for the leads to come in and responding to them as fast as possible.