Publishing with the National Law Review: The National Law Review's Editorial Guidelines

The National Law Review (NLR) consolidates practice-oriented articles, information on legal educational events and videos for easy access by lawyers, business executives, accountants, and other professionals who wish to better understand legal issues. Posted documents consist of legal analysis in the form of client alerts, law firm newsletter articles, white papers, videos, podcasts and other timely articles focusing on key legal and business developments. All articles and videos are displayed with the law firm’s or authoring organization’s logo, copyright disclosure, author photo, a 300 word biography, and contact information.

Articles can be posted in two locations on the NLR Web site:

  1. In the NLR’s daily news page featured on the NLR home page in which we strive to post all new content for a certain period of time;  and
  2. In NLR’s searchable database, which readers can access and search for free without registration.  Articles also appear on various practice group pages and in search.  All content, including blog postings and author and firm biographies, remain in the NLR database for two years unless the contributor chooses to update or remove the content sooner. 

For complimentary publishing, we require you include a link from your organization's website to the National Law Review's homepage and to your article on the National Law Review website. For complimentary publishing, we require, that the content not be published elsewhere and that you do not publish the piece other than on the National Law Review website for a period of 30 days.  We do not have any 'self-upload' account options as all content we publish is reviewed, SEO formatted, and promoted by our editorial staff.  We absorb the website's administrative and promotional costs for law students, law professors, members of the judiciary, and select government administrative agencies.  

We do not offer guest complimentary publishing to for-profit organizations due to the costs of our editorial staff and the administrative costs associated with our publication agreements which are required by our re syndication partners.   If a for-profit entity is interested in one-off or a limited original thought leadership package for publishing we require, that the content not be published elsewhere and that you do not publish the piece other than on the National Law Review website for a period of 30 days.   

We may approach or consider certain individuals to contribute thought-leadership pieces.  Such as lawyers involved in the Clinton impeachment, attorneys who regularly practice before the supreme court,  retired federal chief judges, former state supreme court justices, and attorneys who represented prominent individuals, like Linda Tripp in the past and outside of any staute for legal recourse.

Limited publishing agreements receive all the promotion and analytics as our regular publishing partners, but our usual target of one to twenty-four hour turnaround time might not be feasible with limited contracts, as we may not have all your information on file or more than light editing may be necessary.  We strive to publish our client’s content as quickly as possible as we want our publishers to catch media cycles.  We do not charge reprint fees for either ongoing or for limited publishing agreements.  We do request an account set up fee. 

Over 2,500,000  legal  and business professionals read the National Law Review each month and over 130,000  professionals subscribe to 18 practice area newsletters which include NLR publishers’ articles.    In addition to posting on the NLR Web site, the NLR sends links of targeted articles to specific professional groups via e-mail and RSS feed.  NLR has re syndication agreements with Google News, LexisNexis, Thomson West Reuters, Findlaw, BNA, Dow Jones, Bloomberg, Apple News and others and will submit your firm's content for re-syndication,  which is at the discretion to our partners.  NLR articles are also included in the “Legal Issues” or “Research” sections of various professional organizations’ Web sites and included in professional association newsletters.  

What Type of Content is the National Law Review Looking to Publish?

The NLR seeks well-organized and easy-to-digest works. Key information should be placed in the opening paragraphs so that readers can quickly determine what the article is about. When writing about new cases or statutes, please analyze, don’t just summarize. Explain the impact of your topic to readers and include suggestions on how they might respond to it.

  • It is not the NLR’s practice nor function to heavily edit articles. However, the NLR reserves the right to edit or format the content of any documents submitted to NLR’s database as it deems appropriate, provided that the meaning of the work is not materially altered. NLR will use reasonable and professional discretion in exercising this right, and without the contributor’s prior or final approval. All submissions are subject to NLR’s Terms of Use applicable to Registered User(s) posted at
  • The NLR will accept articles previously published by another publication, provided the organization submitting the content has the authority to grant the right to publish it on the NLR site. Do not forward any material that infringes upon the intellectual property or privacy rights of any third party, including a third party’s unlicensed copyrighted work.  We require original content for complimentary publishing or for limited publication packages.
  • Contributors are not required to transfer copyright ownership of their works to the NLR.  However, all documents submitted must be clearly identified with any applicable copyright or other proprietary notices.
  • All submissions are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. The NLR does not give topic exclusivity to anyone contributor but encourages submission of articles on the same or similar topics to allow readers to access a variety of viewpoints and analyses in the database. Although articles featured on the NLR homepage may contain similar or related information, overly duplicative content is avoided.
  • The NLR will not post any material that constitutes an expressed solicitation for representation, publicity for an individual or organization, or any other commercial message.
  • The NLR cannot publish an article referring to a pending case if a contributor (or a member of the same firm) serves as counsel for the plaintiff or defendant in the pending case and generally prefer to not include commentary on cases recently handled by the author or the author's firm. 

Manuscript Requirements for Publishing with the National Law Review. 

Format –Microsoft® Word is the preferred format can be copied and pasted into the NLR’s text editor. Please keep text layout simple for easy uploading. PDF documents are not acceptable.

Length– Articles should be no more than 5,500 words, including endnotes. Longer articles may be accepted under certain circumstances, but it suggested that longer articles be broken into a series.

Endnotes and citations– Any citations should be in endnote form and listed at the end of the article, not in the body of the manuscript nor listed as footnotes on each page. Unreported cases should include docket number and court. Authors are responsible for the accuracy and proper format of citations and for the need to cite information.  In general, follow the Bluebook. Endnotes should be of a reasonable length; not overly long, but with enough information to support points made in the article. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all quoted material.

Author Biography / Organization Description –Please submit a brief author biography and description of your organization to accompany your article. NLR can list up to a total of six contributors for each article, but only two authors can be included as authors on the NLR homepage.  All contributing authors will be listed with the full version of the article. Please submit the following information:

  1. Full name of author(s) (First Middle Last).
  2. Contact information for author(s), including e-mail address, phone number, and Web site address.
  3. Photo of the author(s) (recommended but optional) in JPEG format with a maximum file size of 1MB and in RGB color format. Image size must be at least 150 x 200 pixels.
  4. A brief professional biography of the author(s), running approximately 200 -300 words. Authorship of an article can also be attributed to an organization or a practice group within an organization.
  5. The organization’s Web site address and main contact phone number.
  6. The organization’s logo (recommended but optional) in JPEG format with a maximum file size of 1MB and in RGB color format. Image size must be at least 300 pixels high or 300 pixels wide.
  7. A brief description of the organization with whom the author is affiliated, running approximately 200 -300 words.
  8. Each article can be attributed to only one organization.

Thinking of Publishing with the National Law Review?

We are looking for well-researched legal analysis or legal news articles that will help educate professionals interested in emerging legal and business issues.   We upload content submitted to us into fully searchable HTML and publish our author’s content quickly and around the clock.  And since we like to get to know our authors, we are not the best platform for a one-time article publication. Click here for more details on the benefits of publishing with the National Law Review.

We do not charge reprint fees to allow you to use or republish your firm's thought leadership.  We do not charge folks to access the National Law Review, accordingly, there is an annual posting fee per organization for publishing content with the National Law Review.  This fee helps defer the cost of maintaining and promoting the National Law Review website, social media promotion of our client's thought leadership, compiling and sending e-news bulletins and so we may pay our staff.  The posting fee is waived for not-for-profit and educational organizations.   We do not offer complimentary article posting due to the setup costs involved with the initial organization and author(s) profiles, the cost of 7 day a week editorial staff, and the setup and maintenance of real-time readership analytics for each client. Please contact Gary Chodes  at or at Info@ if you would like more details or a copy of our Letter Agreement for a Registered User Account for publication.  A Letter Agreement is required for all publication due to the requirements of our syndication partners, specifically GoogleNews, MSN, Thomson Reuters, and Bloomberg.

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