2021 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Healthcare Private Equity Leaders Forum [WEBINAR]
Hosted by McDermott Will & Emery
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2021 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference: Healthcare Private Equity Leaders Forum [WEBINAR]
Webinar, Hosted By McDermott Will & Emery
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 5:00 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks – 2020 in Review and 2021 Deal Outlook
12:00 – 12:15 pm
Jerry Sokol, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery
Macroeconomic Outlook: Why It Takes a Global Pandemic to Reduce U.S. Healthcare Expenditures
12:15 – 12:35 pm
The macroeconomic impact of COVID-19 and the subsequent recession drove our national healthcare expenditure growth negative for the first time in 60+ years. Hear our speakers discuss the macroeconomic outlook for healthcare and the potential rebound implications for 2021.
Jeff Woods, Managing Director, EY-Parthenon
Nigel Gault, Chief Economist, EY-Parthenon
Election and Policy Implications: Healthcare Regulatory and Policy Outlook with the New Administration
12:35 – 1:15 pm
By mid-January, the Georgia senate race should be completed, along with the Biden administration transition. This seasoned panel of Washington insiders will analyze the policy implications and legislative agenda and its impact on the healthcare industry.
Heather Meade, Principal, Health Care Policy, Washington Council Ernst & Young
Mara McDermott, Vice President, McDermott+Consulting
Brian Fortune, Senior Managing Director, Farragut Square Group
Thomas Scully, General Partner, Welsh, Carson, Anderson, and Stowe
Eric Zimmerman, Global Head of Health, McDermott Will & Emery
The Intersection of Private Equity and Health Systems
1:15 – 1:55 pm
Recent private equity activity has involved collaborations and partnerships with health systems in numerous ways, and this trend is likely to continue. Private equity is increasingly investing in entire health systems, exiting investments by selling to health systems, purchasing a division of a health system as either a platform or portfolio company add-on and engaging in other innovative joint ventures. Listen to our panelists discuss the how and why of the evolution of these partnerships and what the future holds for these creative deal structures.
2020: Year of the SPAC
1:55 – 2:15 pm
An interactive panel of senior private equity professionals and healthcare bankers will discuss the proliferation of SPAC transactions in 2020, including illustrating the conditions that enabled the rise of SPACs this year and the outlook going forward.