George Osborne, The Chancellor of the Exchequer, presented the Budget 2015 to the House of Commons earlier today, 18 March 2015.
What does the Budget 2015 have to say in relation to changes to planning?
Rather than providing a comprehensive list including Enterprise Zone changes, Housing Zones and details of the Board members for the Ebbsfleet UDC as well as funding to support plans for the regeneration of Brent Cross, I have picked out four issues which caught my eye:
1. A Consultation has been launched jointly by DCLG and HM Treasury entitled “Technical Consultation on improvements in compulsory purchase processes”. The Consultation runs from today until 9 June 2015 and applies to England only. 27 consultation questions are raised. Alongside the Consultation, draft updated guidance on compulsory purchase and the Crichel Down Rules has been published with comments invited in the same timeframe as the consultation.
2. Further devolution of powers to the Mayor of London, including planning, are proposed. A consultation will be undertaken in relation to powers over sightlines and wharves which the Government hopes, if devolved to the Mayor, will speed up the provision of new homes by reducing planning delays.
3. Planning Guidance to Local Authorities will be updated this month to clarify that it should be possible for non-residential properties to rent out their existing parking spaces without requiring planning permission, provided that there are no substantive planning concerns.
4. In the next Parliament, the Government proposes to consult on bringing planning notification arrangements for deep geothermal energy planning into line with those for onshore oil and gas planning applications.
So if you have some land that you want to compulsorily acquire or rent out for parking or use to undertake deep geothermal energy production or to construct residential development in London then there is something in the Budget 2015 for you!