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Tweet Success: 7 Tips to Master Twitter

Tweet Success: 7 Tips to Master Twitter
Thursday, April 3, 2014

If you are still trying to wrap your head around how to use Twitter, here are 7 tips that can take you from newbie to master quickly:

1.  Take a different approach to a trending topic.  The most effective tweets are those that provide a unique take on something that is already trending on Twitter.  After you sign in to your Twitter feed, click on the Discover link at the top right to see what is trending right now (David Letterman’s retirement is today’s big topic).  You can customize Trends for your geographical area by clicking Change in your Trends box.

twitter2.  Optimize your Twitter profile.  Use a photo and remember that Twitter followers tend to follow a person, not a company. 

3.  Sync your Twitter account with your Facebook and Gmail accounts to find the Twitter accounts of people you know.  Then follow them.  This will usually get them to follow you back and to share your content.

4.  Use lots of photos and video.  These get more attention on Twitter.

5.  Focus on quality, not quantity.  You want people who are interested in you and your legal services so you can use Twitter as another means of forging a more meaningful relationship.

6.  Engage with the people who share your content by sending them a direct message, adding them to your follower list and retweeting some of their tweets. 

7.  Keep tabs on your Twitter stats so you can see how your marketing strategies are working.  The stats will tell you how many people engaged with your tweets, how many clicked on the link, and more useful information.

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