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Social Media Marketing for Attorneys: Is it for You?

Social Media Marketing for Attorneys: Is it for You?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two-thirds of adults online currently use social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others – an impressive statistic when you consider that just five years ago, only 5 percent of adults online were involved in social media.

So what does this mean for your practice and law firm marketing efforts?

Should you step up your social media efforts or jump in if you haven’t already? The answer is, it depends. 

And what it depends upon is your Ideal Target Market (ITM).

Remember the ITM? I talk about it a lot here and we focus on it at our Rainmaker Retreat session as well. Identifying and targeting the right market is absolutely critical to the success of your law firm marketing plan. If you don’t target the right market, nothing else you do will matter. To be successful as a legal marketer and attorney, you have to start with a clear picture of your ITM.

Take a look at the breakdown of who is using social networking sites (SNS):

If you are a personal injury attorney or DUI lawyer, you should know that 62 percent of accidents in the U.S. involve drivers who are aged 18-49. Social media makes sense for you.

If you are a bankruptcy attorney, you should know that the average age of a U.S. bankruptcy filer is 40. Social media also makes sense for you.

You get the idea. Social media marketing is just one tool in a law firm marketing arsenal at your disposal. If it fits with your ITM, then you should be using it. 

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