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How to Stay Connected with Clients

How to Stay Connected with Clients
Thursday, November 14, 2013

How much business have you lost because your clients simply aren't aware of the various services your law firm can provide?

Don't take referral relationships for granted. Finding another high-quality lawyer is easy and it takes more than quality to make a lasting impression - it takes a relationship. Just like any relationship, you need to be connecting with your current and former referral sources every month to ensure the health and longevity of the affiliation.

how to stay connected with clients

If you're like most attorneys, you have helped hundreds of people over the years, so staying connected to them every 4-6 weeks can be an overwhelming task.

Here are a few tips we recommend for keeping in touch with your clients:

Use a contact management system. Information is only as useful as it is accessible.

Collect their email addresses. Add a place for their email addresses on your intake form.

Conduct an annual client satisfaction survey. Ask clients what they liked most and least about your firm as well as what upcoming challenges you could assist them with.

Send them practical, educational information every month. E-newsletters are the best way to stay connected. Make them short. Focus on informing, educating and adding value to your clients (do not turn this into a sales pitch).

Rainmakers don't wait for the door to knock or the phone to ring or the referral to come in. They take the initiative, stay in touch, and focus on serving their referral sources.

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