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Copywriting Secrets for Attorneys

Copywriting Secrets for Attorneys
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Related Practices & Jurisdictions
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Lawyers aren’t copywriters, right? All I had to do was put together an ad that looked like a lawyer ad and the world would come knocking at my door, right? Copywriting meant little to me when I first started marketing my practice. I did not understand the importance of copywriting. Copywriting didn’t even cross my mind. 

Then, when I learned THIS approach to marketing, I realized that one of the most important skills I needed was copywriting. So I began to learn how to do it.

Writing compelling copy, copy that coerces g your potential clients to take some action, is the whole point of marketing. If you are not compelling, then you are wasting your time and money.

I am going to give you several secrets I learned about how to write compelling copy. Anything that comes out of your firm, anything that is published, advertised, or sent to clients should follow these essential guidelines.

Pleasing Headline

By this I mean that it must have eye appeal. Make each headline and subheading balanced in appearance with the rest of the piece. BUT, don’t get hung up on this appearance thing too early; leave this to near the end of the process. Get the content down first, then the appearance.

Provocative Opening

Every lawyer, every preacher and every copywriter knows that you can’t be boring or you lose your audience. It is especially important to be interesting at the beginning, to grab the attention of your reader, to tune out all the world’s distractions to keep the reader “in” your copy.

Reach Out and Touch

People make buying decisions based on emotion, not logic. Once you have engaged them emotionally, they use logic to justify their decision. So, your copy must touch them emotionally. How?


Your copy should focus on the benefit your reader will acquire by hiring you as her lawyer. How will her life be improved if she hires you? What advantage does she gain by hiring you (as opposed to hiring a different lawyer or not hiring one at all)? You must be inside your reader’s brain, in the conversation already going on in her mind when she is reading, so that she nods her head and understands what you can do for her that no one else can do.

Enthusiasm & Excitement

If you don’t believe what you’re saying, how can you expect your potential client to believe? You have to believe in the WOW before you can convey it to your reader.

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