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Boeing, Aeromexico, And Mexico’s Airports And Auxiliary Services Join To Develop Aviation Biofuels

Boeing, Aeromexico, And Mexico’s Airports And Auxiliary Services Join To Develop Aviation Biofuels
Saturday, March 12, 2016

On February 24, 2016, Boeing, Aeromexico, and Mexico's Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) announced the start of a collaboration to advance research and development of sustainable biojet fuel in Mexico. The program will work with Mexico's Sector Fund for Energy Sustainability and is coordinated through the Mexican Bioenergy Innovation Center. The program is expected to include jatropha, salt-tolerant Salicornia, and sewage as feedstocks for the aviation biofuels, which should reduce lifecycle carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 80 percent when compared to conventional petroleum fuel. Sergio Allard, Chief of People & Industries Affairs Officer at Aeromexico said of the collaboration, "They have been a fundamental part in projects like the first transcontinental biofuel flight in the history of world aviation performed in a Mexico-Madrid route, or the green flights between Mexico and Costa Rica. In Aeromexico, we recognize that conducting a sustainable operation is an everyday commitment. We are ready to assume the challenge and break the myth that you cannot be socially and environmentally responsible and competitive at the same time."

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