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6 Reasons Why Video Belongs In Your Legal Marketing Mix

6 Reasons Why Video Belongs In Your Legal Marketing Mix
Friday, September 27, 2013

Here’s a statistic that is hard to wrap your head around: more than 4 billion videos are viewed on YouTube every day

YouTube also says that more than 6 billion hours are watched each month – one hour for every person on Earth.

video youtube legal marketingVideo is a great way for attorneys to connect with prospects on your law firm website and demonstrate expertise in your field of practice. 

Beyond the YouTube stats that demonstrate virtually everyone is viewing video online, here are 6 more reasons why video belongs in your legal marketing mix:

1. Better search results. According to Forrester Research, videos are 53x more likely than traditional websites to be found on the first page of Google search results.

2. Better retention. Forrester Research found that people retain 58% more with both visual and auditory stimulation.

3. More traffic. Forrester Research reports that over 60% of all web traffic comes from online video.

4. More likely to buy. People who view a video are 64% more likely to purchase (comScore).

5. Found in the C-Suite. 65% of senior executives say they have visited a vendor website after watching a video. 59% say they prefer video to text. (Forbes’ Video in the C-Suite).

6. More likely to be shared. Video has the best potential to be shared and go viral compared with other media.

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