It’s 2018 and it’s time to get strategic about how you distribute your online content so it reaches the broadest possible target audience and helps you achieve your marketing goals.
After all, you probably spend a lot of time developing content for your website or blog or social media posts because you know that Google rewards fresh, relevant content with higher search rankings. But there are some ingenious ways you can promote your content now to extend your reach. A recent article highlights five of them:
Create an e-book from a blog post.
It used to be that you had to turn your content over to a designer in order to create an e-book. But now there’s an app for that! It’s called Designrr. This tool makes it stupid-simple to create a professional looking e-book from a blog post or article. All you have to do is enter the URL of your post, select a template, add images from the site’s databank of free images (or use your own) and publish. You can try it free for 14 days; after that, it’s $37/month.
Create a video from a blog post.
Just like you no longer need that e-book designer, now you don’t need that video editor either! If you haven’t already gone all-in on video, you are already behind the times. Video is great for SEO and engagement — and now you can take your written content and transform it into a video using online tools like Lumen5. Again, it’s pretty simple — enter the link to your article or blog and a storyboard is created. Search through an extensive database of free video clips, still images and music, add your own narration if you want, and voila! Video! Post on your YouTube channel and link to it from everywhere you are online.
Create an infographic from your content.
Look at your longer posts or articles to see which ones can be turned into an infographic that just begs to be shared. Canva is an excellent tool to create infographics and it is quite affordable at $13/month, which gives you access to tons of free templates and images. Be sure to optimize your image to help you rank in image search results.
Use email to distribute content.
Are you sending out monthly e-newsletters? Be sure to include links to your latest blog posts.
Want to make your regular emails work overtime for you? Change your email signature each week to include a link to a fresh piece of content.
Did you mention another company favorably in your post? Send them a link and ask them to repost to their social media channels or email list.
Have a post you’re particularly proud of with important information for your target audience? Send an email to your list with a link to this latest piece of prose from your firm.
Use Reddit.
Reddit is a leading content sharing site and is a great way to promote your content. Simply sign up for an account (free), search for a subreddit (topic area) where there’s an audience for your subject matter, then submit a link to your content.