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3 Steps to Use Email Marketing To Generate New Leads

3 Steps to Use Email Marketing To Generate New Leads
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Most businesses use email marketing in a very traditional way – i.e., to encourage existing prospects to become customers, or to market additional products to existing customers. But email marketing can also be a highly effective way to generate entirely new leads if you incorporate these 3 tactics:

Have a good opt-in strategy. You need to be sure the people you are emailing are enjoying what you are sending or they will never buy from you. Make it easy for them to stay or, if they want, to go.

Offer something of value. Whether it’s a free ebook, a downloadable report or even something as simple as a “what to do in case” form they can print out to keep in their car in the event of an accident, sending people something of value makes it more likely they will share it.

Links to pass it on. Be sure you always include social share buttons and a “Forward to a Friend” link to encourage readers to share your information.

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