EBA Publishes Report Regarding ITS on Reporting for Resolution Plans Under the EU BRRD

On April 17, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published its draft implementing technical standards (ITS) on reporting for resolution plans under the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD).

Under the BRRD, EU Member States must ensure that resolution authorities have the power to require investment firms and credit institutions to cooperate as much as necessary in preparing resolution plans and to provide resolution authorities with all information necessary to implement, not just prepare, resolution plans.

As currently drafted, the new framework will be operational for the collection of information, from firms subject to the BRRD, with the reference date of December 31, 2018. Information under the new framework is expected to be submitted in the first year by May 31, 2019 at the latest. Thereafter, the remittance date will be April 20 of each year.

The EBA identifies three objectives for the new ITS:

The EBA’s report, which contains the draft ITS, is available here.

Annexes I (Templates) and II (Instructions) of the draft ITS are available separately here and here, respectively.

The EBA’s press release regarding the draft ITS, as well as amendments to the ITS on supervisory reporting, is available here.

©2025 Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
National Law Review, Volume VIII, Number 112