How to Qualify as a Woman-Owned Small Business through the SBA

Last year, we wrote about the opportunities available to businesses owned by service-disabled veterans. There are also programs available to provide similar advantages to women-owned businesses. One such program is the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program, which was established in February 2011 through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). This program was designed to provide women-owned small businesses (WOSB) and economically disadvantaged WOSBs (EDWOSB) with assistance in competing for business with the federal government. Under this program, federal contracts in industries where WOSBs are underrepresented are set aside specifically for WOSBs to compete for; similarly, federal contracts are set aside in industries where EDWOSBs are underrepresented specifically for EDWOSBs.

How Can I Qualify?

Woman, CEOTo be certified as a WOSB and compete for the federal government contracts set aside for WOSBs, the business must satisfy the following requirements:

To be certified as an EDWOSB, the business must meet all of the requirements to qualify as a WOSB, but in addition, the woman that owns and controls the business and holds the highest officer position must be considered "economically disadvantaged" under the SBA regulations. Whether or not a woman is considered economically disadvantaged will be determined on a case-by-case basis, but if any of the following factors are true, she will automatically be disqualified:

If you think your business could qualify as a WOSB or EDWOSB, you must go through the certification process either through self-certification or through one of the four SBA-approved third-party certifiers:

For more detail regarding the certification process, visit What You Need To Know if You Are a Women Owned Small Business on the SBA's website, which has additional information not only about the certification process, but also about the program in general.

© 2025 Varnum LLP
National Law Review, Volume VII, Number 31