Ireland | Government Announces Big Changes to Employment Permits System Salary Thresholds

Irish authorities announced sweeping changes to key immigration programs Wednesday, including what the government called the “largest ever expansion to the employment permits system.” Officials also announced they would increase minimum salary thresholds.

Key Changes to the Employment Permits Scheme

Salary Requirements

The government announced the salary requirement for most General Employment Permit holders will increase from €30,000 to €34,000 in January 2024. Labor Market Needs Tests are required for General Employment Permit applications and, beginning in January, must reflect the increased salary level to be valid. Salary thresholds will also increase for Critical Skills Employment Permit holders, intra-company transferees and others.

Employment Permit Thresholds

Employment Permit TypeCurrent Threshold2024 Threshold
Meat processing/horticulture€22,916€30,000
Healthcare assistant/home carer€27,000€30,000
Critical skills with a degree€32,000€38,000
Critical skills without a degree€64,000€64,000 (no change)
Intra-company transfer (trainee)€30,000€34,000
Intra-company transfer€40,000€46,000
Contract for services€40,000€46,000

Additional Information: In announcing the changes, Neale Richmond, Ireland’s minister of state for business, employment and retail , said that with low unemployment in Ireland, demand for employment permits remains high. He said the addition of new occupations to the Employment Permits scheme would be a “huge benefit to Irish businesses and society.” He added that the 2024 salary increases mark the beginning of a phased approach to salary increases that are designed to “balance the rights of the workers with the needs of businesses.” His full remarks are available here.

BAL Analysis: The changes to the Employment Permits scheme will make it easier for non-EU/EEA nationals to work in key jobs in Ireland. Employers should take note of the changes to salary thresholds and plan accordingly.

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National Law Review, Volume XIII, Number 355