Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Issues Concept Release on Automated Trading

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission has issued a concept release on risk controls and system safeguards for automated trading environments. The release provides an overview of recent market events and existing industry practices regarding automated trading systems (ATSs), and requests comment on a series of questions relating to a number of potential risk controls and safeguards, including: 

The concept release also includes a handful of other proposals, notably including potential registration of firms operating or providing ATSs, market quality data, market quality incentives, policies and procedures to identify “related contracts,” order type standardization and simplification and the definition of high-frequency trading. 

Comments on the concept release must be filed by December 11, 2013. The concept release is available here.

©2025 Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
National Law Review, Volume III, Number 258