New York State Releases Its Finalized Updated Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy

New York State has released updated sexual harassment prevention materials for employers, which now include information related to gender identity, bystander intervention, remote work, and new methods of reporting harassment.  Following the release of a proposed “Sexual Harassment Prevention Model Policy” on January 12, 2023, and a subsequent notice and comment period, the New York Department of Labor released its final updated Sexual Harassment Model Policy (the “Model Policy”) for employers on April 11, 2023.  Employers may adopt the new Model Policy, or they may write their own policy, provided that such policy complies with minimum standards outlined in New York Labor Law section 201-g.

The finalized Model Policy has only small changes from the previously released Januaryversion (detailed here). The most significant change now highlights the EEOC’s conciliation program and provides an explanation of the program to employees.

In addition to the finalized Model Policy, the New York Department of Labor has rolled out an updated sexual harassment prevention training video and a new PowerPoint presentation employers may use for harassment prevention trainings.  These new materials incorporate the changes made to the new Model Policy.

© 2024 Vedder Price
National Law Review, Volume XIII, Number 138