Your firm makes a difference in the individual lives of hundreds of people each year, but have you considered engaging your wider local audience? Whether you operate a small firm or run multiple office locations, there are many simple ways to effectively leave a positive impression on your community.
Sponsor a local sports team.
When choosing a local sports team to sponsor, consider supporting a team with some connections to your firm. Does someone in your office have a child who plays on the local high school football team? If you practice family law, you may want to think about ways you can get in front of parents through a little league baseball team.
Are you an avid sports fan? Maybe you want to consider sponsoring a team that will mirror your own passions. Becoming involved with your local sports team is a wonderful way to invest in the next generation and – perhaps – even the next generation of lawyers.
Host a support group in your office.
Your office is a bustling workplace from nine to five, and probably far longer hours if you’re in the middle of major litigation. What about those times during the day when your office space is empty? Hosting a support group relevant to your practice in your office is a simple way to serve your community. At the same time, it puts your name in front of potential clients.
Are you a divorce law attorney? Why not let individuals who have gone through a separation or divorce use your office space to meet on a weekly basis to discuss their experiences? Similarly, a personal injury lawyer could host victims of car accidents or traumatic brain injuries in their office for a monthly support group. Show your current and prospective clients that you care about their future, even beyond a case verdict.
Volunteer at a community event.
You roll up your sleeves daily to practice law, why not roll up your sleeves to help out the community? No doubt, there are countless non-profit organizations in your city that could use a helping hand. Is there a local food bank or animal shelter you or members of your staff could volunteer at on a Saturday? Maybe your local Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a 5K and needs volunteers to register participants.
When volunteering your time for a worthy cause, approach the experience with your arms wide open. Remember this is a time to give, not get.
Adopt a Highway.
We’ve all seen Adopt-A-Highway signs along the roads. You can easily find a highway to adopt using an interactive map of the United States on Adopt-A-Highway’s website. The fee to adopt is reasonable, and there is no limit to the number of highways your firm can adopt. Not only will your firm be contributing to a cleaner America, your firm’s brand will be associated with positive change! Learn more about the Adopt-A-Highway program by visiting their frequently asked questions page.
Join a non-profit.
Is there a cause about which you are especially passionate? Do you see an injustice that is not getting much attention? You may find that becoming involved with a non-profit is the perfect platform to advocate for change. Check with your state bar requirements to ensure that you remain in line with their expectations of public cause involvement, and sign up!
Before choosing any of these ways to get involved locally, you should determine the goals of your plan and who specifically you hope to help through your efforts. Share stories from your experiences on your law firm website or Social Media channels. Maintain the relationships you develop along the way and enjoy the fact that your firm can truly make a difference in your community.
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