Remote Online Testing Available for Candidates Seeking to Take Futures Industry Proficiency Examinations

On January 19, the National Futures Association (NFA) issued Notice to Members 1-21-03, announcing that remote online testing is now available for futures industry proficiency. The exams include Series 3, Series 30, Series 31, Series 32 and Series 34, which FINRA administers on behalf of NFA. Tests also may continue to be taken at a local test center. The availability of remote online testing has not affected NFA’s Swaps Proficiency Requirements.

Online testing will be delivered and remotely proctored by FINRA’s testing provider, Prometric. Prometric allows candidates to use a personal or firm-provided, webcam-equipped computer to take proficiency exams remotely. Prometric staff are able to proctor each exam by using the webcam and other online tools.

To be eligible for an online testing appointment, candidates must not have a concurrent appointment at a test center and must meet FINRA’s technical and remote environment requirements. Candidates who are currently scheduled to take an exam at a test center but wish to change to an online testing appointment should confirm that they meet the technical and remote environment requirements and are aware of any rescheduling policies before cancelling a test center appointment. Firms considering online testing through their network and firm-issued equipment should review FINRA’s technical requirements pertaining to equipment, networking and information security.

See the NFA Notice. See the NFA’s Swaps Proficiency Requirements. Additional details regarding the online testing requirements and appointment scheduling are available on FINRA’s website.

©2025 Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
National Law Review, Volume XI, Number 22