Kara M. Friedman

Kara Friedman’s extensive understanding of the health care industry allows her to offer advice on service line development activities and assist clients in developing feasible strategies to enhance the delivery of health care in a collaborative way.

Kara's practice is devoted to the general representation of health care providers and includes advising clients regarding the structures around and the relationships among health care providers within the complex federal and state regulatory environment. She has an active Certificate of Need practice, advising clients in all aspects of matters under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board. She provides counseling and advice on an array of regulatory matters, including:

Kara oversees joint venture and merger and acquisition activities of health care facilities. She also regularly provides advice on ongoing provider operations and transactions. The core client base she serves includes hospitals and health systems, ambulatory surgery centers, dialysis providers and skilled and other senior living facilities.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California
National Law Review, Volume X, Number 43