Mitch McConnell Introduces Bill Amendment That Would Compel FDA to Issue CBD Enforcement Discretion Policy

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has introduced language into a Senate appropriations bill that would require FDA to issue temporary guidance on enforcement related to products containing cannabidiol (CBD). 

The amendment, which was shared with the U.S. Hemp Roundtable, would require FDA to provide Congress with a report on how it will develop its enforcement discretion policy and how it will evaluate CBD for use in FDA-regulated products within 90 days of passage.  Within 120 days, FDA would be required to issue its enforcement discretion policy for CBD. 

The market for CBD products is rapidly increasing, and the regulation of CBD in foods and supplements has not kept pace.  McConnell has shown a great interest in limiting the regulatory uncertainty faced by hemp farmers in his state of Kentucky, where hemp production is replacing tobacco production. 

© 2025 Keller and Heckman LLP
National Law Review, Volume IX, Number 262