Ann Novacheck

Ann Novacheck represents established and emerging nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations, providing practical legal counsel to private foundations, operating foundations, public charities, trade associations, and health care providers. Ann leverages her deep experience to understand not only how to solve a client's problem, but also how to align the solution with both organizational goals and larger industry trends. 

Ann has particular experience in matters involving questions of governance,federal and state compliance, public charity support calculations, private foundation tax issues, intermediate sanctions, joint ventures, conflicts of interest, unrelated business tax issues, property-tax exemption, and benefit corporations. She also provides tax-planning advice to individuals and businesses, and she defends taxpayers and tax-exempt organizations before federal and state taxing authorities, tax courts, and attorneys general.

Representative Matters

Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations

Tax Planning

Copyright © by Ballard Spahr LLP
National Law Review, Volume IX, Number 71