In their recently released 2015 Market Report, Advanced Energy Economy reveals that the US advanced energy market grew to $200 billion in 2014, an increase of 13% above the total for 2013. This activity positions the U.S. advanced energy market in strong company, $20 billion higher than the airline industry and neck-and-neck with pharmaceutical manufacturing. In addition, the powerhouse consumer electronics market lies within reach at $211 billion. Strong postings from wind, solar photo-voltaics, and natural gas added to the already strong foundation of the largest segment of U.S. advanced energy – building efficiency products and services.
The 2015 Report, the third such publication from Advanced Energy Economy, was compiled in partnership with Navigant Research. The report provides up-to-date information on a wide spectrum of energy-related market sectors, including transportation, fuel production, fuel delivery, building efficiency, generation, delivery and management, and more. Click here to view highlights from the report.