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Raleigh and State Are Close(r) on a Deal for "Destination" Dix Park
Thursday, October 2, 2014

We've blogged in the past here about the dance between the City of Raleigh and the State of North Carolina over the City's 300-plus acre Dorothea Dix campus, which belongs to the State, leased to the City, returned to the State, and the sale of which has been negotiated over time between the State and the City.

To refresh, the City wants the land to create, most likely, a destination park in the growing and increasingly dense downtown.  The State (read: the General Assembly), on the other hand, wants a certain price above the value placed by the original, "condemned" lease and wants to retain some of the land for State agencies.

It looks like negotiations are "ongoing", which is good news for the citizens of both.  Recent reporting, apparently based on public records from the Governor's office, indicates that the City offered purchase terms to the State on August 29, to which the State responded on September 12.

The upshot is that the State and the City are likely to reach a deal.  The parties appear to be closer in price than they had been before (albeit still significantly far apart, though there is desire and momentum), the State has apparently reduced the amount of acreage it wishes to retain for housing certain services, and, lastly, who doesn't love a park.

"A Sunday in the Park with Pat, Thom, Nancy, Phil, and DHHS.  Oh, and Boylan Heights people."

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